5 Hiring Dos and Dont’s for Small Business Owners

Making decisions about who to hire can be complicated for small business owners. Here are some things that small business owners can do to make the hiring process go smoothly and ultimately make good hires.

1. Check Backgrounds Thoroughly

Employers always have to verify a candidate’s credentials. Background check services for employers need to be thorough. At a minimum, they should include a criminal history check and employment verification.

2. Get Staff’s Input

If you have a small team that works together very closely, you should consider getting insight from your team when you’ve narrowed down your list of candidates. Scheduling a second job interview to meet with staff or adding some time to meet with staff at the end of your initial interview can be advantageous.

3. Don’t Ask the Wrong Questions

Take care to ask interview questions that give you a real sense into what a person is like as well as some clear insight into his or her professional experience. Don’t ask the generic questions that people hear on every interview and have prepared answers for.

4. Don’t Wait Too Long to Respond to Candidates

Letting your inbox fill up with cover letters and resumes for weeks before you get back to anyone could be a big mistake. The best applicants may be sought after by other employees, and you could miss your opportunity to get someone great.

5. Don’t Make Your Decision Wholly on Likability

Of course, it’s important that you and your team find somebody easy to get along with. Being likable isn’t the most important attribute that you’re looking for in a candidate. Experience, credentials, and skill sets all need to play a strong role in your decision.

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Due diligence in the hiring process is particularly important in the hiring process. Getting all of the information can give you confidence about choosing the right applicant.