Career Possibilities for Those With Chemistry Degrees

If you are interested in studying chemistry, you may be wondering what kinds of jobs you can pursue afterward. Fortunately, there are a variety of career paths open to those who have degrees in this field.


If you enjoy teaching and research, academia may be the right area for you. With a master’s or doctoral degree in your field, can secure a spot as an instructor or professor at a college. Many schools allow graduate students to workers as teacher’s assistants while completing their studies.

With a bachelor’s degree, you can teach at the high school level. Depending on the school system, you may end up teaching other branches of science as well. Most schools require all teacher candidates to take at least some education courses before entering the classroom. A common path is for an individual to hold a bachelor’s degree in a specific subject area and a master’s degree in education. Those with master’s degrees can expect to earn higher salaries than their counterparts with bachelor’s degrees.


For those looking to move outside the classroom, there are even more options available. The importance of chemistry in chemical engineering makes that field and ideal match. Your education may also be helpful for work in forensic science. Other careers include:

  • Pharmacologist
  • Toxicologist
  • Environmental consultant
  • Nanotechnologist

If you wish to study other areas to augment your chemistry expertise, a job as a science writer or patent attorney may be a good fit for you.

Whether you are just getting started and trying to tailor your education to meet the needs of your future career, or you already hold a degree and are trying to figure out what career path to pursue, it is important to research all your options. This gives you the best understanding of your future and the steps you need to take to find a fulfilling career.