Can You Reopen Your Store and Stay Safe? Consider These 3 Things.

Running a business in the midst of a pandemic is beyond challenging. It’s no longer just about focusing on the bottom line; it’s also imperative to consider the safety and health of employees and clients. While some establishments may function well online, not all places can, leading many proprietors to question if they can reopen the doors to allow for traditional sales. Before that can happen, owners should consider the following three questions.

1. Can You Create a Socially Distant Space?

CDC guidelines are available, encouraging companies to think about changing the organization of the location. Because the virus spreads through air transmission, people are asked to wear masks or stand at least six feet from one another. Consider how to rearrange furniture and displays for easier and efficient access. Several places have designated certain walking paths, labeling aisles as up or down. In addition, think about how staff members interact with numerous customers. Their stations should have protection such as shields or lines marking where shoppers should stand.

2. Can You Sanitize Often and Well?

With more bodies on the premises, be prepared to clean up often. Stock up on commercial cleaners. Write out a list of how to disinfect major surfaces, and establish a very clear, detailed schedule for that to be done. Some places are closing early to allow for this additional treatment. Also, look into establishments specialize in decontamination services Maryland. The professionals can be brought in when a confirmed case does occur, reducing the level of hazard.

3. Can You Provide Appropriate Protective Equipment?

Minimizing exposure is vital. This includes ensuring that hands are washed regularly and that faces are protected from infection. The eyes, mouth and nose are major entry points for germs. People frequently touch surfaces and then their facial features. Masks, while they may be uncomfortable, cover up two of these features, possibly blocking out the virus. Glasses may also be used. Provide cloth or disposables masks to staff. Have hand sanitizer available throughout the establishment.

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It may not be easy. It certainly is different. The doors may open though.