The Importance of OCP Name Tapes in the Military

For those who’ve ever worn the new Operational Camouflage Pattern uniform, you know how important it is to have name tape. These name tapes are attached to your OCP uniform or patrol cap to identify you and your unit.

The Air Force announced Thursday that it would change the backgrounds on name tapes, rank insignia, and badges to make them easier to read. These changes will begin in October for cadets and incoming airmen at basic military training.

Rank Insignia

Rank insignia are essential in the military because they allow enlisted and active members to display their established position and branch. They also help identify military members in battle and on the field.

Among the ranks in the military are enlisted personnel, non-commissioned officers, and senior noncommissioned officers. Each of these ranks has different epaulets, badges, and colors.

Each rank insignia symbolically shows how long an individual has served in the military and what level they have achieved within their branch. Depending on the rank, they may be able to wear a special identification badge or service stripe that can permanently show their achievements as a member of their branch.

Enlisted personnel are a huge part of the military and make up the vast majority of military personnel. These enlisted soldiers are often below commissioned officer ranks and are often given delegated authority to supervise other enlisted military members or assigned significant administrative responsibilities.

Branch Insignia

Regardless of what military branch you are serving in, the military has an important tradition. At some point during your military career, you will be awarded a branch symbol that represents your unit.

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When you receive your branch logo, it is a time of joy, anticipation, and pride. But sometimes, it can be a moment of disappointment, too.

The Army and Air Force have been tweaking their newly-adopted Occupational Camouflage Pattern uniforms to make it easier for people to read the names on the OCP name tapes, rank insignia, and badges they wear.

The Army uses a seven-color OCP background for its name tapes, while the Air Force and Space Force use a three-color OCP pattern. The Air Force says it will begin transferring its inventory of name tapes, rank insignia, and badges to the new pattern in November but will keep the old seven-color background name tapes on hand for those who need them.

Branch Name Tapes

Military members wear branch name tapes that state to which service branch they belong. These patches are usually sewn or velcroed onto the right of their combat uniforms.

They are also worn on their patrol caps to aid in quick identification and help with communication. On their branch name tapes, the Army, Air Force, and Space Force all display a three-color OCP design with rank insignia.

These can be embroidered in black thread for Army soldiers, spice brown for Air Force, and blue for Space Force personnel. They can also be embroidered with accent marks and hyphens to ensure all names are correctly spelled.

Initially, divisional insignia were embroidered in full color. However, due to shortages, resistance to change, and more pressing supply issues, subdued division insignia were authorized in June 1966. These twill-type undisturbed division patches took until 1967 to produce in reasonable quantities. Fortunately, they are still available today.

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Rank Name Tapes

Rank name tapes and badges are important in the military because they help service members identify each other and their branches. They also help to distinguish the different ranks and skills of soldiers.

Army personnel sew name tapes and rank insignia on their uniform coats. They can also attach hook-and-loop fasteners to these items.

Like the Army, the Air Force and Space Force use OCP camo patterns for their combat uniforms. They also wear name tapes, rank insignia, and American flag patches sewn on or affixed with Velcro.

The Air Force and Space Force use a three-color OCP pattern for their name tapes and rank insignia. It makes them easier to read than the previous seven-color OCP pattern.